Monday, June 27, 2011

Feeling inspired - finally!

I think at one point or another (and another and another and another), those of us who work in fields that rely on creativity, get a little, um...dried up after awhile.  I have been pretty busy for the past year, and finally - hit a bit of a wall.  Never without my little notebook in my purse, that I fill up with ideas as they cross my mind throughout the day - the past few months my poor little book was getting lonely.  I would try to sit down with the hope that the ideas would appear - nope.  I racked my brain trying to figure out what was going on - I was just in a slump. I LOVE photography, I joke that my camera is my third child (not a tactful joke, but no one's perfect).  Everything about photography gets me giddy like a school girl.  It brings so much light (literally & figuratively speaking!) into my life that I was starting to get a bit sad that the ideas just weren't coming. To be honest, I kept asking myself what the hell was going on? So, I decided to put my camera away for a bit.  A bit for me, someone who normally  takes about 20 pictures a day (it's an addiction really) - turned out to be about 2 months.  I think I just decided I needed a little breathing room...taking pictures has NEVER been about anything negative for me, not a "chore", not "work" - it has always been something I am completely in love with. So, as it turns out - a little breathing room was all I needed :) I realized about a month and a half into my little project, I started noticing the "little things" again - I noticed a young mother and her little daughter, as they shared a scone at Starbucks.  The mom tucking a little strand of hair behind her daughters ear.  I just kept thinking "Wow, I wish I had my camera so I could take this picture -just freeze it in time".  I started waking up early in the morning to sneak onto our front porch, with my morning cup of coffee and watch the sun sneak through the leaves in our big ash tree.  I noticed the patterns of the shadow and light from our white picket fence on the grass (or to be honest, the dead grass)....but, I realized I was starting to notice (scratch that) APPRECIATE the little things again. We all do it. We get carried away with all the stresses of everyday life and rush around, forgetting to just C H I L L .  Photography brought a beautiful combination of appreciation for the little and big moments (fighting the urge to use "quotations") to my life and I think I just needed to step away for a bit to remember that.  To sum it up - sometimes you have to live the moments, and sometimes you have to observe the moments ... and capture them ;) 

Goodnight & sweet dreams everyone.

   just a side note: I purposefully made this picture grainy ;) it just felt right - lol!

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